Welcome to Vaad HaKashrus of Eastern Canada and Maine
You are never too small to go Kosher!
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Internationally Recognized!
We are recognized internationally by Kashruth professionals for the high standards we maintain.
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Vaad Symbol:
Vaad Symbol Name
Eastern Canada and Maine Kosher
Mission Statement
To expand and strengthen the state of Kashrus, both communally as well as individually, and assist businesses in the development and implementation of a Kashrus program in the Canadian Maritime provinces and in Maine.
Senior Rabbinical Consultants:
HaRav Yechezkel Auerbach, HaRav Pinchas E. Juravel
Rabbinical Administrator
Rabbi Yitzchok Isaac Yagod
Rabbinic Board
Rabbi Yitzchok Isaac Yagod - Moncton, NB
Rabbi Amram Maccabi
Date founded: 2010
Mailing address
18 Mill Street
Mars Hill, ME 04758
Phone #: 610-905-2166, 207-217-1094
email: rabbiyagod1@gmail.com
Services offered
- 24/6 free Kashrus hotline
- Communal Seminars
- Free Kashering of homes
- "Keilim-Fund" to facilitate committing to kosher
- Overseeing Mikva Kashrus locally
- Seminars on Mikva usage and Purity
- Weekly email, Divrei Torah and Information
Contact: Rabbi Yitzchok I Yagod
Kashruth Hotline:(24x6) 610-905-2166/207-217-1094 or rabbiyagod1@gmail.com |